Landed at
Bhuvaneshwar and drove to Puri, where we had a hotel booking. We had four days
to spend.
Shri Jagannath Mandir :
Mandir is a huge temple complex, huge crowd (though lean season) intricate
stone carving, Beautiful architectural structure.
Camera is not
allowed in side Mandir complex. I could take few from outside the complex.
Rathyatra is
due on July 18th. Preparations were in full swing. This time was
unique and special. New idols would be instated. It happens after every 19
years. Many special rituals and “niti”s were being followed. Actually we also
realised after visiting the temple, that time was not really good to visit
since, due to an important ritual “brahmaparivortan” the actual Idols were not
on “darshan”. This certainly disappointed us though, It is also said that being
at Lords place on such occasion is also very special. Lord wanted it that way,
so it is ok. Hence devotees do visit nearby another temple called Alarinath
mandir.(A Vishnu Temple)
Instead of
Jaya – Vijaya , You see only Jaya and a police. Vijaya is not in the frame.
Both have the same duty. One is doing his duty another one is on the phone.
Three Chariots for Krishna, Balabhadra and
Three Rathas
or Chariots were being built with 16 huge wheels.
In the evening
on the beach side is a “mela” with lot of street side vendors many things for
kids, for family, for devotees ….
There was a
short but good “puja” just like Ganga aarti in Haridwar, takes place, on the
ocean side.
Chilika Lake and Dolphins :
There is a big
lake called “Chilika” about 40 km from Puri. It has a spot where one can see
the Dolphins. We took a taxi to reach the spot and went on boat cruise to see
the “Dolphins” There are as many as 25 motorised boats, reaching the spot. I
already had a doubt if at all Dolphins show themselves with such number of
boats, making noise.
We just saw
the back of one two dolphins surfaced for few seconds. If you are expecting
Dolphins, do not go there, I suggest. It is waste of money. If you like four
hours of good boat ride, then you choose it.
This was where
a Dolphin showed its back to us and vanished.

Red Island, Red Crab, Corals and Emeralds:
At one place
the boatman takes you to a small island where one comes with “Shells and coral
reef” pieces. He breaks the shell and reef in front of you to show you the
“Moti” (swati muttu) and “coral” and “emeralds” For a moment you tend to
believe since it looks quite authentic. But it is all fake. He is trying to
fool you by selling the “stones” for quite a sum.
This so called
“precious” stone seller also shows you the red crabs. The island is called red
crab island he says. At least they were
live and hopefully not painted red. Looked original.

Lingaraja temple, Mukteshwar temple, Konark
Next we went
to other near by temples and places. Lingaraja temple, again no camera, no
pictures. It is equally beautiful and huge.
Mukteshwar Temple :
Next one
Mukteshwar, where camera was allowed, so are the pictures here with. Mukteshwar
temple is almost three times smaller compared to Jagannath and Lingaraj Temple.
Very good stone carving, sculpture.
Konark Sun Temple :
Next one was
famous Sun Temple Konark. Pained to look
at the hugely vandalised temple, by British and Muslim invaders long time ago.
Sanctum Sanctorum is just reduced to the base. I think Mukhmantapa exists but
filled from inside so as to prevent it from collapsing.
ASI somehow
maintains it. It is said one of the British viceroy tried to restore (after
they looted the same !) and managed to hold the structure from collapsing.
There is no worship, no pujari, no “panda” . You can freely move around.

Please visit this web site
if you want to know more about Lord Jagannath Temple and Konark. Whole lot of correct
details are available.
Puri has lot of hotels.
Choose the one that suits your pocket. Do not get carried away by their claims
on their websites. Mostly what you see is not what you get. Check everything
before you check in. You can book the hotel online with out paying advance in
many hotels.
Puri is not a clean city,
however by looking at the number of devotees visit every day, you may ignore
it. Local authorities must be trying hard to keep the city clean. During Rath yatra estimated crowd is 30 lakh people. Amazing !
From weather point of view, summer is not right time. It is too hot and humid. Do not visit four to six weeks before rath yatra since lord Jagannath wont give darshan in Idol form. You can still visit temple, go to garbha gudi and take darshan of representative idols. Only after Rath yatra is good time.
From weather point of view, summer is not right time. It is too hot and humid. Do not visit four to six weeks before rath yatra since lord Jagannath wont give darshan in Idol form. You can still visit temple, go to garbha gudi and take darshan of representative idols. Only after Rath yatra is good time.